Thank you for your interest in joining

Srijata’s Elite Tribe!

Now let’s get to know you better.  Please fill in the form below. Take your time, and be as descriptive & intentional with your responses as possible. Once you submit your answers, we will review them and mail you the way forward. Are you ready to transform your setbacks into opportunities? Let’s go!

    Could you describe your nature of work? Where do you want to focus your energies right now? What is that one thing you would like to accomplish and why? (Please be as specific and personal as you can)*

    What is the biggest setback you are facing in the way of accomplishing your current goal? What actions do you think will help you in accomplishing this goal? *

    If you had a 3-year goal and you had the continuous support from a coach to help you make it happen, what would that goal be? (Assume money wasn’t an issue) What difference would it make for you to achieve your leadership goals if you were working with a coach? *

    Imagine, 12 months have passed by already and you are sitting with your childhood friend. He/she asks you "How did your year go?" What would be your answer? You start saying: "This was an incredible year because…" *

    What will happen next?

    I will review your submission and email you to schedule a time for our discussion about powering your growth and helping you soar. If you would like to schedule a call more quickly you can use the scheduling link in the confirmation page. (After you submit the form)

    Got questions? email me at 


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